Appointment >> | Medical |
- To ensure you can see your chosen doctor at a chosen time, please book your appointment well in advance.
There are 3 ways to make an appointment:
- Web booking (for General Medical Consultation Appointment only)
- Call 2549 4686
- Come in person to the clinic at 2/F Meng Wah Complex
When an appointment is made successfully, a time will be allocated to you. This is the registration time at which you should report to the medical reception. Please note that the medical condition of each patient is different, and doctors may need to spend time with certain patients longer. It may take some time before you can see your doctor. Please wait patiently in the waiting area. If you need urgent help, you are advised to approach our staff.
When should I make an appointment?
- When you want to discuss your health concerns with a physician
- When you need a referral to see a specialist
- When you want to know your laboratory results
- When you need to refill or discuss about your medications
Medical Consultation for Children under the Age of 16
It is desirable that all children under the age of 16 years attending the University Health Service are accompanied by a parent / legal guardian.
It is because:
When children are ill, parental companionship and care are especially important for their recovery.
Children feel more secure and are often more co-operative in the presence of a parent / legal guardian.
Certain procedures (e.g. injections, special tests, most dental procedures) require parental consent.
Children cannot always describe symptoms accurately especially when it comes to duration or frequency.
Children cannot always be relied upon to remember doctor’s verbal instructions.
- A minor complaint may be the first signs of a more serious problem, which may require referral to specialist care or for hospitalisation.
If the child cannot be accompanied by their parents / legal guardians, the child should at least be accompanied by a competent adult who holds full, delegated responsibility for the child. In such cases, a letter of authorisation signed by one of the parents / legal guardians is required.