Medical Benefits >> | For Staff >> Reimbursement Limit |
Reimbursable Amount and Extra Costs
Subject to the conditions set out in the Medical Benefits Scheme of the University, the University shall
meet the cost of hospitalisation with private accommodation in Hospital Authority (HA) or Non-HA hospitals
up to the current level approved by the University Council. Patients will have to bear any extra cost incurred.
For details about the Maximum Reimbursable Charges, please refer to Staff Policies and Practices.At Non-HA hospitals, all the charges including dressings, investigations, medications and doctor’s fee, etc.
will vary according to the level or class of accommodation chosen. It is advisable to discuss estimated charges
with the private specialist concerned before admission.
Emergency Situations
For emergency conditions, patients are advised to attend the Accident and Emergency Department of public hospitals.
With effect from 18 June 2017, the University will reimburse $180 per visit to the Accident and Emergency Department
in any public hospitals for all eligible users. Users should make the full payment to the hospitals first and apply for reimbursement afterwards.If patients plan to have other arrangements for their condition, and would like to be eligible for reimbursement from the University, they should seek prior approval from the UHS. This can be done by booking a medical appointment at the UHS for further discussion, or by submitting a written application. In the rare case of an emergency situation in which prior approval from the UHS cannot be obtained, patients should send in a written application for special retrospective approval not later than two working days from their A&E visit. Special retrospective approval will only be granted for exceptional circumstances.
Clarification of Hospital Reimbursement Items
Daily Maintenance Allowance
This includes the charges for clinical, biochemical and pathological investigations, vaccines, medicines, and general nursing (excluding consultations, diagnostic imaging and other special examination). Please note that a basic sum of $248 / $184 / $40 per day (Plan 1 / Plan 2 / Plan 3) must be borne by the user.
- Medical Attendance
This is the daily attendance fee charged by the patient’s usual attending specialist.
- Special Consultation
This is the special consultation fee charged by a consultant who is not the usual attending specialist of the patient.
- Maternity Cases
The full comprehensive package includes all costs of antenatal care, postnatal care, laboratory tests (except amniocentesis), hospital maintenance for mother and new born, medications, delivery, anaesthesia, use of labour ward and management of any complications of pregnancy and delivery manageable by the obstetrician in the obstetric ward. Medical costs incurred not related to the pregnancy or delivery will not be reimbursed.
Special Treatment Items
- Certain special treatment items such as artificial heart valve, cardiac pacemaker, cardiac catheter, intraocular lens and special medications for cancer treatment etc. are not covered by the usual hospital daily maintenance fee, and patients will be requested to pay extra for these. Under the University Staff Medical Benefits Scheme, some of these items are reimbursable (maximum up to 50% of cost). However, this does not apply to any external appliances or items for preventive purposes.